Viewpoint Colour, professionellt magasin för produktutveckling, färgtrender och innovation med 6-18 månaders strategisk framförhållning. Pantone referenser, färgkartor. Utkommer 2/år. Utgivare David Shah, kreativt team FranklinTill.
Artikelnr: WPR1213
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Publiceras 2 utgåvor per år: juni/december
Målgrupp: CMF, färg, produktutveckling, design inom konsumentprodukter, förpackning och kommunikation
Framförhållning: 12 mån
Ursprungsland: Holland

Läs mer om innehållet nedan - OBS Engelsk text!


In this Brainpower issue, we explore how our brain processes information and spurs creativity. The relationship between color, the brain, and creativity is multifaceted and deeply rooted in both biological and psychological process- es. By affecting mood, memory, and mental state, color has a profound influence on our ability to think creatively. This fascinating interplay between color and the brain under- scores the power of visual stimuli in shaping how we think, feel, and create. We hope you will enjoy this issue.



Publiceras 2 utgåvor per år: juni/december
Målgrupp: CMF, färg, produktutveckling, design inom konsumentprodukter, förpackning och kommunikation
Framförhållning: 12 mån
Ursprungsland: Holland

Läs mer om innehållet nedan - OBS Engelsk text!


In this Brainpower issue, we explore how our brain processes information and spurs creativity. The relationship between color, the brain, and creativity is multifaceted and deeply rooted in both biological and psychological process- es. By affecting mood, memory, and mental state, color has a profound influence on our ability to think creatively. This fascinating interplay between color and the brain under- scores the power of visual stimuli in shaping how we think, feel, and create. We hope you will enjoy this issue.



Föregående utgåva - Publicerades den 27 augusti 2020


After a time of deep uncertainty, we are seeing an emerging desire for resurgence, growth and positivity. 

In this issue we explore a new world order, where the authentic is celebrated through the breaking down of traditional rules and the creation of new values.

In this new world order there are no constraints, and fluidity underpins this emerging vision - high tech meets low tech, the old is combined with the new, boundaries are blurred.

Colour becomes paramount in defining new identities and shaping these positive visions of the future. We see individuals and creatives expressing themselves in ways which have never been done before through digital environments, new beauty standards, dynamic creative processes and fantastical representations of the self.

Whilst there is a clear turn towards the digital and virtual world, there is also a renewed desire for tactile and material experiences. 


Key Colour Statements
Shapes by contradictory influences, the colour and design landscape has an exciting hybridised aesthetic that marries opposing ideas: reflection and action, individuality and collaboration, virtual and real. We are realising the need for a longer-term colour application that is enduring and timeless, while also recognising that shorter-term directional colour has a clear role to play in creating fresh new statements and personal expression.

Brutalist Beauty
Featuring work from ‘instagram’s most hated beauty account’ by Eszter Magyar. Exploring new beauty standards which challenge traditional perceptions of beauty through the unconventional use of colour, texture and materiality. 

Electric Nature
Andres Reisinger’s beautifully rendered images of natural landscapes which feel both otherworldly and approachable. Through these visuals, Reisinger breaks with the harsh and bold aesthetics that often characterise digital renders. 

Guerrilla Dyeing
Working with natural dyes in a way which feels fresh, rebellious and new, Audrey Louis Reynolds steers away from the aesthetics we would traditionally associate with natural dyes and pigments. 

Off Colour
A series of visual portraits that showcase Tomihiro Kono’s original take on wig making. The wigs are characterised by the use of ‘off colours’ - a celebration of unconventional pastels challenging typical wig colours. 

Clay Play
A compilation of clay maquettes presented for Eny Lee Parker’s clay play contest. High-end interiors made from playdough; high-tech meets low-tech; and a celebration of colours through making.

Beneath the Surface
Photographer Pim Top overlays digital textures and images to produce visuals which challenge slick digital aesthetics and colours.

Colour Futures
Inspiration from the work of the renowned artist Samara Scott Textural with exploratory manifestations of colour, where materiality is key.

Produkttyp Magasin, Magasin
Filtrera efter Herr, Dam, Affärsstrategi, Färg, Färgutbildning, Design, Tyg, Industridesign, Livsstil, Förpackningsdesign, Övriga material, Detaljhandel
Produkttyp Magasin, Magasin
Filtrera efter Herr, Dam, Affärsstrategi, Färg, Färgutbildning, Design, Tyg, Industridesign, Livsstil, Förpackningsdesign, Övriga material, Detaljhandel
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