
Radical Matter book

Vad är framtidens Material- ny bok av tidigare talare på Next Strategy. Vilka material ska vi göra framtidens produkter av? Frågor som söker svar och är avgörande för alla företag där cirkulär ekonomi/produktion står på agendan (alla?) Hållbarhet utifrån materialets perspektiv. En måste-läsa-bok som ger dig åtta “Big Ideas” som formar val av material, design- och produktionsprocesser för designers idag och under överskådlig framtid. Boken är tydlig, lättförståelig och har 6 fallstudier och intervju med experter från industrin. En guide till att designa en bättre värld, hur en designer förstår hur man kopplar material med produktion, hur distributionen planeras och konsumentens användning.
Artikelnr: BOK2111
290,00 SEK

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Produced for Product design professionals and students.


Radical Matter draws from a global community of designers who are pushing boundaries with new and disruptive approaches to their use of materials and design processes that go beyond the notion of ‘sustainable design’. The eight ‘Big Ideas’ unpack the themes and ideas that are impacting on our material world through cutting-edge case studies and expert opinions. Each ‘Big Idea’ features fully illustrated case studies from leading designers and engineers who are at the cutting edge of material and design technology.

Packed with expert ideas and radical solutions to the current global changes faced by the design and manufacturing industries, Radical Matter contains a wealth of information to help design professionals and students turn revolutionary concepts into reality.


Foreword • Introduction • Today’s Waste, Tomorrow’s Raw Material: Can we tap into industrial waste streams as tomorrow’s source of raw material • Natural Assets: Can we rethink the harvesting and production of natural resources to find new applications that minimise waste? • Shit, Hair, Dust: from disgust to desire, how can design reimagine human and animal detritus as a sustainable raw material? • Material Connections: Can materials and making connect communities and promote the exchange of knowledge and ideas? • Co-Creation: Could digital fabrication enable us to design and manufacture on demand with minimal waste? • Designed to Disappear: How can disposable products and materials be redesigned to disappear and leave no trace? • Living Materials: What if living materials could be grown in labs to become the factories of the future? • Future Mining: What materials will we mine in the future as a result of human impact on the planet?


Kate Franklin and Caroline Till are the founders of FranklinTill Studio, a multi-disciplinary design and research and trend-forecasting consultancy in London.


Produced for Product design professionals and students.


Radical Matter draws from a global community of designers who are pushing boundaries with new and disruptive approaches to their use of materials and design processes that go beyond the notion of ‘sustainable design’. The eight ‘Big Ideas’ unpack the themes and ideas that are impacting on our material world through cutting-edge case studies and expert opinions. Each ‘Big Idea’ features fully illustrated case studies from leading designers and engineers who are at the cutting edge of material and design technology.

Packed with expert ideas and radical solutions to the current global changes faced by the design and manufacturing industries, Radical Matter contains a wealth of information to help design professionals and students turn revolutionary concepts into reality.


Foreword • Introduction • Today’s Waste, Tomorrow’s Raw Material: Can we tap into industrial waste streams as tomorrow’s source of raw material • Natural Assets: Can we rethink the harvesting and production of natural resources to find new applications that minimise waste? • Shit, Hair, Dust: from disgust to desire, how can design reimagine human and animal detritus as a sustainable raw material? • Material Connections: Can materials and making connect communities and promote the exchange of knowledge and ideas? • Co-Creation: Could digital fabrication enable us to design and manufacture on demand with minimal waste? • Designed to Disappear: How can disposable products and materials be redesigned to disappear and leave no trace? • Living Materials: What if living materials could be grown in labs to become the factories of the future? • Future Mining: What materials will we mine in the future as a result of human impact on the planet?


Kate Franklin and Caroline Till are the founders of FranklinTill Studio, a multi-disciplinary design and research and trend-forecasting consultancy in London.


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