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Ci64 Spectro Sphere with Bluetooth and UV

Sphere Portable Spectrophotometer for the most accurate and precise colour measurement for high-end quality control. Solution ideal for use in the lab, field, and manufacturing plants. Available with switchable apertures to measure a variety of samples (4 and 8 mm) including UV and Bluetooh.
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Ci64UV Spectro Sphere with UV

Sphere Portable UV Spectrophotometer for the most accurate and precise colour measurement for high-end quality control. Solution ideal for use in the lab, field, and manufacturing plants. Available with switchable apertures to measure a variety of samples (4 and 8 mm). Special feature: ci64UV evaluates optical brightening agents with UV model included.
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CI7500 Sphere Benchtop 400nm UV

Spectrophotometer For Sphere Reflectance Measurement, benchtop version.
- Ideal for entry-level formulation or QC
- Offers ≤0.15 dE*inter-instrument agreement and ≤0.03 dE* repeatability
- Provides measurement flexibility with switchable reflectance apertures
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Color iMatch Software

The formulation software for Textiles, Coatings, Plastics. Color iMatch is the industry’s most competent formulation engine. Using multi-flux technology, it intelligently processes colour data to provide optimal initial colour matches and reduce wasteful formulation attempts. Color iMatch has the power to streamline complicated workflows, improve colour formulation efficiency, and reduce wasted time and materials to return your investment quickly.
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Color iQC Professional

X-rite Software for Colour Management. Delivers tight tolerances through connected solutions. Color iQC is a configurable, job-based software system that allows users to work on a job using process and material templates that contain pre-defined standards, tolerances, and settings. With Color iQC, brands, suppliers, and manufacturers can define instrument calibration and measurement modes and ensure correct colour measurement practices, regardless of location or software configuration.
Price to be offered as an annual licence for 1 user, standalone licence.
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eXact 2

eXact™ 2 Portable Spectrophotometer for paper, corrugated, carton board substrates.

Identify exact point of measurement with Mantis™ video targeting
Intuitive design and 30% larger screen make it easy to learn and use
Avoid wet ink contamination with low-contact measurement area.
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i1Publish Pro 3 Plus

The Portable i1Publish Pro 3 Plus is what you need if you print on textiles. Besides that, quickly and easily create custom profiles for cameras, monitors, digital projectors, scanners, and printers and ensure colour accuracy from capture to output with the i1Publish Pro 3 Plus. Geometry: 45-0* ring illumination opt.
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Judge LED Light Booth

Judge LED ljusskåp erbjuder dig en bra och mer ekovänlig miljö (än tidigare lysrör) för att utvärdera produkter och betrakta trycksaker i kontrollerat ljus. Eftersom en färg upplevs olika i olika ljusförhållanden såsom dagsljus, butiksbelysning eller under lysrör är det viktigt att produkter och trycksaker kontrolleras i olika ljusförhållanden för att undvika kostsamma misstag.

Frakt: frakten i webbshopen här är endast en schablon/uppskattad fraktkostnad. Den exakta frakten räknas ut vid beställning då storlek/vikt/leveransadress avgör kostnaden. Vi informerar dig såklart innan för godkännande.
50 000,00 SEK

MA-5 QC Spectro

The 5 Angle spectrophotometer
MA-5 QC is the Actionable Colour Measurement Tool for Effect Finishes like Metal ie. Built with quality control managers in mind, the MA-5 QC can identify colour defects early in the manufacturing process and avoid unnecessary rework. Featuring strategically placed optics at the tip, it is 60% faster, 50% lighter, and 40% more compact than any other five-angle device on the market. This allows operators to easily position MA-5 QC with one hand and capture more measurements per hour.
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Metavue Instrument Packaged

45-0* Benchtop MetaVue™ VS3200
For QC, 3D Design & Formulation Measurement; the MetaVue™ VS3200 non-contact imaging spectrophotometer brings breakthrough technology and accuracy to the color measurement of almost all kinds of textiles like Tricot, Velvettypes, Melanges, Mesh, Carpets, Any type of material with a complex and irregular surface; and for non-textiles: wet and dry paints, plastics, cosmetics and small and odd-shaped samples.
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NetProfiler software

Device Optimization 1 year Licence. Even the best spectrophotometers can experience occasional drift, causing uncertainty and colour measurement errors. NetProfiler is a cloud-based blend of software and color standards that makes it easy to adjust and validate instrument performance, identify instruments in need of service, and reduce variation between devices.
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Pantora Connect VS3200 Licence

X-Rite Software 1 year.
The PANTORA desktop application is designed to simplify the management of a large volume of complex color and appearance data. PANTORA acts as the epicenter of appearance workflows, connecting digital material input sources with output destinations such as third-party 3D rendering software and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Systems.
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X-Rite RM200QC

Spectrocolorimeter. Färgmätare för kvalitetskontroll, tänk inte på tekniska termer, det skapas automatiskt. Professionell färgmätning sparar pengar och tid! Skapa gemensam standard av färgprover, från designfärgprov till labdips och vidare till produktion.
23 850,00 SEK

X-rite SpectraLight QC

7 light Premium Light Booth. The top-of-the-line SpectraLight QC is the ideal light booth to visually assess larger samples and evaluate special effects under all relevant lighting conditions. When used to evaluate colour during design, specification, pre-production, production and quality assurance, the SpectraLight QC can reduce waste due to rejects and rework, shorten time to market, and improve overall product quality.

FREIGHT: Quoted shipping cost is only an estimate, this will be calculated according to size, weight and where it is to be delivered and informed for acceptance.
90 300,00 SEK

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