Innehåller 8 teman där säsongens viktigaste färger presenteras på ett mycket konkret och tilltalande sätt. Varje tema visar inspiration, färgharmonier och hur temat kan appliceras på produkter såsom textil, trä, plast, metall, keramik mm. Varje tema har summerat de viktigaste nyckeltrenderna inklusive förslag på tyg och andra material. Boken riktar sig till dig som arbetar med industridesign, inredning, mode (dam/herr/sport), accessoarer, kosmetika etc.
Innehåller följande extra material:
* Avtagbara Pantone® original färgklipp 2,5 x 13 cm, dubbelvikta, värde ca 1.470 kr
(Ett mycket bra arbetsmaterial, lätt att hitta färgkombinationer!)
* Översiktsplansch med alla färger (Ger en bra överblick!)
* USB innehållande:
- de bilder som används i bokens teman, högupplösta i jpg
- en animerad version av bokens teman med tillhörande musik
- en färgtrendsanalys över varje färgfamiljs kommande utveckling
(USBn är en oumbärlig tillgång för presentationer!)
Publiceras 2 ggr/år: jan./juli.
Målgrupp: ALLA som söker färginspiration!
Framförhållning: 18 mån
Ursprungsland: Holland
Övrigt: Ringpärm (lätt att ta ut enstaka sidor/teman)
Ansvarig utgivare är David Shah, känd designkoordinator och föredragshållare, som även publicerar Textile View magazine.
Läs mer om innehållet i just detta ex av Pantone View Colour Planner här under. (Notera Engelsk text).
Deep sea animals follow a surprisingly regular pattern when it comes to colour. Blue animals live near the surface. Deeper down they are blue on top and white underneath, further below they take on transparent qualities but have red stomachs and below that, they are all red or all black. At the deepest level, they are pale red or cream.
Our colour card for S/S 2020 is not quite so consistent. For example, our deep darks move to lofty pales. But, just like the sea creatures, our different palettes have different depths, from the inky blues of the sperm whales to the brightest orange of a clown fish.
In previous seasons, we saw a lot of ethereal shades, but what begins to come through for spring summer, is a profundity of colour. Each palette seems to live in a sea of its own not necessarily related to the world around it. This is very reflective of the tribal behaviour going on in consumption right now and even of the ways in which people generally regard water: fear, excitement, energizing, challenging, relaxing; beach and resort, work and struggle.
When we come to harmonies and cross-fertilization, the step forward lies in the contrasts. There is so much more than before. Although the pales are presented tone-on-tone in their own story, they are contrasted with harder colour in the harmonies – a turquoise with lagoon grey or a bright orange with the taupe family. We see hot with cold colours. This is because our colour expressions explore all depths of water, reflecting the coolest of streams as well as thermal beds of underwater volcanoes.
Blue the colour of sustainability…Look below the surface… Blue sea thinking…
70% of the earth is covered by water
70% of our physical body is made of water
70% of our brain is water
95% of our blood is water
The biochemical composition of sea water is the same as human blood plasma
This palette comprises four ethereal shades: a dark slate, a wispy blue, a muted khaki and a ghostly green. Genderless in outlook, they possess a certain gravitas that lends itself to refined products with handmade elements.
Four deep and weighty personalities to dive into. At their heart, a fantastic ‘eyes-wide-open’ black sets up differences with the inkiest, darkest blue and a profound purple shading. All of this is given a shaft of intensity with a jeweled and saturated blue.
Mysterious colours appear in the deep. In this abyssal blue, illuminated by artificial light, exist pink crustaceans, transparent echtoplasms, green, deep purple, yellow carapaces, multi-coloured jellyfish and pink crustaceans…
Like jumping into a fresh and cool waterscape filled with bubbles and plant fronds, we combine our four key colours move from turquoise to dark silt with two light and super-cool menthol blues.
This is a range based on new medium tones and neutrals that come from the sea with either a humid and hydrated expression or a salty dryness, so different from the earthy and dusty hues of previous seasons.
Ultra soft, pearly shades that offer a neutral and subtly feminine environment. Pinks and nudes are de-saturated and cooled, while beiges act in duotone, one bright and one with a gently gold twinkling, serving as a summer substitute for the ubiquitous camels of the previous winter.
A jolly quartet of flat, vibrant colour leads the way in this seaside palette of painterly hues. Highly contrasting, hugely fun and very, very graphic, the feeling in this family of brights is rooted in nostalgia and old-fashioned seaside towns.
The four tones we have called "New Lilac" transition A/W 19 to S/S 2020. Our first tone is the clearest and suits transparency; the second suggests relaxed atmospheres; the third acts as a highlight; and the fourth, opaque and dense, is the base for further combinations.