Autumn/Winter 2026-27 colours with variations of applications for ACTIVE sportswear unisex. The book is divided in seven conceptual themes. Each presented visually with mood, colours, materials and patterns, where the colour usage is in focus. All colours shown in Plastic and Polyester chips, dyed exclusively by A+A. Pantone TCX closest match reference code list.
SKU: AA1065
26,600.00 SEK
 2-4 Days delivery time  Order before 12:00 processed same day
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A full range of colors developed for the activewear, tech and accessories markets It includes: key directions & themes of the season through, keywords and text, innovative materials & finishings, color harmonies, and inspirational imagery.


In an era of uncertainty and sudden, unexpected changes, the future sometimes seems dystopian and dramatic.
The growth of international war conflicts (not only physical, but also economic and digital), the distrust towards
traditional political forces, the growth of extreme polarizations, as well as the widespread distrust towards the
development of new and uncontrolled technologies push society towards extreme and often contradictory
What are the Megatrends that will most influence our future?
• There is a powerful shiB toward de-globalizaDon, driven by escalaDng wars and poliDcal tensions among
the world's major powers.
• Over-reliance of digitalizaDon is contribuDng to a rise in funcDonal illiteracy.
• Globally, populaDons are aging, fueling generaDonal conflicts, between GenX, Y, and Z.
• A significant surge in various forms of addicDon— psychoacDve substances, technology (internet,
gaming, social media), or compulsive behaviors like excessive shopping, sex, or TV consumpDon.
• Growing sense of loneliness across socieDes.
• The emergence of uncontrollable technologies like ArDficial Super-Intelligence, and renewed focus on
roboDcs, has sparked numerous ethical concerns, parDcularly regarding personal data protecDon.
• Growing distrust of unreliable informaDon.
• We are seeing a significant rise in anD-technological and anD-scienDfic senDments, along with a
deepening desire to disconnect from the digital world.
• The pursuit of a world where environmental protecDon, the fight against climate change, the quest for
alternaDve energy sources, and the creaDon of a more inclusive society are fundamental.
• The primary goals: reducing economic, racial, gender, and sexual orientaDon inequaliDes, ensuring
poliDcal and economic stability, and fostering long-term prosperity for future generaDons.
• Demand and focus on reusing raw materials, such as metals, from electronic industry waste, developing
complex bio-infrastructures, and advancing syntheDc bio-products.
• Increasing global aVenDon: internaDonal regulaDons on producDon standards, process and material
traceability, the ethical protecDon of non-human enDDes—animal, plant, and mineral alike.
In such a complex, diverse scenario, design often responds in multifaceted and sometimes contradictory way.
• There is a growing fascinaDon with elements historically deemed dangerous, negaDve, or taboo. leading
to the rise of aestheDc and cultural references featuring extreme, violent, and unseVling symbols.
• Aspects of popular culture once viewed negaDvely are now celebrated and re-evaluated.
• Historical figures who were once widely respected are being criDcized through the lens of Woke culture.
The “villain” is no longer feared. Dark, dramaDc colors, dangerous materials.
• The "spectacularizaDon" of reality, driven by the overwhelming power of modern communicaDon,
transforms every event into a media. Everything becomes theatrical, memorable, and mythological.
• Demographic shiBs: Older generaDons, a.k.a Perennials, are finding renewed purpose through sports
acDviDes and the rise of reassuring wearable technologies.
• Finding innovaDve, unexpected soluDons, oBen made possible by cu^ng-edge technologies.
• Sports acDviDes, once confined to tradiDonal se^ngs, now interact with the urban environment on a
larger scale, celebraDng historical landmarks and architecture, ( Paris Olympic Games.
• The connecDon with nature remains essenDal.
Sports as an extreme and heroic effort pushing the boundaries of human capabilities. A celebration and
obsession with a bold, provocative aesthetic. Fluid and enveloping materials often characterized by stained
effects and splashes of color. A futuristic, dystopian connotation that focuses on protective or defense design
A hidden and underground city, almost a parallel dimension. Invisible urban ravines, inaccessible places,
unexplored tunnels and galleries. Sports in unusual and potentially dangerous urban contexts. An underground
spirit strongly rooted in the 90’a Rave and Techno culture reimagined for Gen Z and Alpha.
Sports transform into an entertainment culture, imbued with epic moments and global celebrities who convey
ethical, political, and ecological messages. Athletes become stars, and their uniforms are adorned with
theatrical, dramatic, and narrative elements. Complemented by a retro-futuristic aesthetic influenced by AI
culture, which honors the old-chic style of Pulp villains. A look at vintage sportswear tinged with elegance and
An aging global population, the Silver Tsunami, raises fundamental questions about the future of needs,
activities, technologies, goods, services to support this new demographic structure. Boomers, Gen X, a.k.a.
Perennials, are opening-up new possibilities: gymnastic activities tailored for seniors, individual or team-based
games, competitions, the development of wearable technologies, sensors that monitor performance in real time
and help prevent health issues. In terms of design, the integration of materials with a traditional, classic, almost
nostalgic appearance but with innovative performance (antibacterial, anti-sweating, body contouring).
The desire to escape and combine sports with a therapeutic moment, not only physical, but also psychological.
Jogging, running continue to grow as popular outdoor activities, both in natural settings and in small urban
centers. New equipped trails, discovered thanks to digital technologies and predictive analytics that suggest
unexpected routes full of spectacular natural landscapes, but also industrial and or energy architecture.
The Paris Olympics have shown that sports and artistic performance can coincide and create new forms of
competition and entertainment. Finally, sports activity no longer seems incompatible with historical urban
contexts, the architecture of the past, or the iconic monuments of world capitals. The interaction between
dynamic action and the monumental static presence is no longer considered taboo, leading to countless forms
of art, dance, and sport. In these designs, color recedes as volume, sculptural form, and ergonomic details take
center stage.


A full range of colors developed for the activewear, tech and accessories markets It includes: key directions & themes of the season through, keywords and text, innovative materials & finishings, color harmonies, and inspirational imagery.


In an era of uncertainty and sudden, unexpected changes, the future sometimes seems dystopian and dramatic.
The growth of international war conflicts (not only physical, but also economic and digital), the distrust towards
traditional political forces, the growth of extreme polarizations, as well as the widespread distrust towards the
development of new and uncontrolled technologies push society towards extreme and often contradictory
What are the Megatrends that will most influence our future?
• There is a powerful shiB toward de-globalizaDon, driven by escalaDng wars and poliDcal tensions among
the world's major powers.
• Over-reliance of digitalizaDon is contribuDng to a rise in funcDonal illiteracy.
• Globally, populaDons are aging, fueling generaDonal conflicts, between GenX, Y, and Z.
• A significant surge in various forms of addicDon— psychoacDve substances, technology (internet,
gaming, social media), or compulsive behaviors like excessive shopping, sex, or TV consumpDon.
• Growing sense of loneliness across socieDes.
• The emergence of uncontrollable technologies like ArDficial Super-Intelligence, and renewed focus on
roboDcs, has sparked numerous ethical concerns, parDcularly regarding personal data protecDon.
• Growing distrust of unreliable informaDon.
• We are seeing a significant rise in anD-technological and anD-scienDfic senDments, along with a
deepening desire to disconnect from the digital world.
• The pursuit of a world where environmental protecDon, the fight against climate change, the quest for
alternaDve energy sources, and the creaDon of a more inclusive society are fundamental.
• The primary goals: reducing economic, racial, gender, and sexual orientaDon inequaliDes, ensuring
poliDcal and economic stability, and fostering long-term prosperity for future generaDons.
• Demand and focus on reusing raw materials, such as metals, from electronic industry waste, developing
complex bio-infrastructures, and advancing syntheDc bio-products.
• Increasing global aVenDon: internaDonal regulaDons on producDon standards, process and material
traceability, the ethical protecDon of non-human enDDes—animal, plant, and mineral alike.
In such a complex, diverse scenario, design often responds in multifaceted and sometimes contradictory way.
• There is a growing fascinaDon with elements historically deemed dangerous, negaDve, or taboo. leading
to the rise of aestheDc and cultural references featuring extreme, violent, and unseVling symbols.
• Aspects of popular culture once viewed negaDvely are now celebrated and re-evaluated.
• Historical figures who were once widely respected are being criDcized through the lens of Woke culture.
The “villain” is no longer feared. Dark, dramaDc colors, dangerous materials.
• The "spectacularizaDon" of reality, driven by the overwhelming power of modern communicaDon,
transforms every event into a media. Everything becomes theatrical, memorable, and mythological.
• Demographic shiBs: Older generaDons, a.k.a Perennials, are finding renewed purpose through sports
acDviDes and the rise of reassuring wearable technologies.
• Finding innovaDve, unexpected soluDons, oBen made possible by cu^ng-edge technologies.
• Sports acDviDes, once confined to tradiDonal se^ngs, now interact with the urban environment on a
larger scale, celebraDng historical landmarks and architecture, ( Paris Olympic Games.
• The connecDon with nature remains essenDal.
Sports as an extreme and heroic effort pushing the boundaries of human capabilities. A celebration and
obsession with a bold, provocative aesthetic. Fluid and enveloping materials often characterized by stained
effects and splashes of color. A futuristic, dystopian connotation that focuses on protective or defense design
A hidden and underground city, almost a parallel dimension. Invisible urban ravines, inaccessible places,
unexplored tunnels and galleries. Sports in unusual and potentially dangerous urban contexts. An underground
spirit strongly rooted in the 90’a Rave and Techno culture reimagined for Gen Z and Alpha.
Sports transform into an entertainment culture, imbued with epic moments and global celebrities who convey
ethical, political, and ecological messages. Athletes become stars, and their uniforms are adorned with
theatrical, dramatic, and narrative elements. Complemented by a retro-futuristic aesthetic influenced by AI
culture, which honors the old-chic style of Pulp villains. A look at vintage sportswear tinged with elegance and
An aging global population, the Silver Tsunami, raises fundamental questions about the future of needs,
activities, technologies, goods, services to support this new demographic structure. Boomers, Gen X, a.k.a.
Perennials, are opening-up new possibilities: gymnastic activities tailored for seniors, individual or team-based
games, competitions, the development of wearable technologies, sensors that monitor performance in real time
and help prevent health issues. In terms of design, the integration of materials with a traditional, classic, almost
nostalgic appearance but with innovative performance (antibacterial, anti-sweating, body contouring).
The desire to escape and combine sports with a therapeutic moment, not only physical, but also psychological.
Jogging, running continue to grow as popular outdoor activities, both in natural settings and in small urban
centers. New equipped trails, discovered thanks to digital technologies and predictive analytics that suggest
unexpected routes full of spectacular natural landscapes, but also industrial and or energy architecture.
The Paris Olympics have shown that sports and artistic performance can coincide and create new forms of
competition and entertainment. Finally, sports activity no longer seems incompatible with historical urban
contexts, the architecture of the past, or the iconic monuments of world capitals. The interaction between
dynamic action and the monumental static presence is no longer considered taboo, leading to countless forms
of art, dance, and sport. In these designs, color recedes as volume, sculptural form, and ergonomic details take
center stage.

Products specifications
Product type Trend forecast
Season AW 2026-27
Products specifications
Product type Trend forecast
Season AW 2026-27

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